What is 樂生(Lo-Sheng Sanatourim)?Who are they?
That might not be the important questions to you.
How about the old government took your whole life suddenly, just for you had an infectious disease in that short medical time. Then,the authorities still totally neglected your existence, told you that your home is gonna be ours without any consulting meeting hold. The reason is that we're gonna take the whole mountain for MRT project.Don't worry,we'll give you a big new building to live. Remember,you're a leprosy(Hansen's disease) sufferer, and most of them can't walk well except with the special autobikes, plus they've been insulated from the world for almost half century .Which means you should completely lost the one world you had, and you could barely know how to deal with those new fussy things in that so-called new home.
It's a real story happened in Taiwan. Besides the issue about patients and eco-awareness, the industrial estate 新莊 unfortunately lost her another lung to do photosynthesis. The Lo-Sheng Sanatourim issue here,is related to definitely human right, citizen right, and the historic local culture existence!
There's actually another better way to treat those elder leprosy sufferers, but our government just refuse to do that. Last week, they post another official document on their gate without early warning ,which mentioned at the 4/16 , they'd demolish the last part of Lo-Sheng Sanatourim ,no matter what.
So these coming weekends (3/17,3/18, 3/24,3/25 and so on), we're gonna be there with live music, some indie cool bands and poem readings , and a small creative handmades gathering market. Not only to show our supports, also try hard to get crowds here and realise how emergency the situation is now. And so far,we did cause a good reaction but it's just not enough! We really need everyone standing out to help those elders to protect their place, the real paradise in their hearts. Also the most important is that we'll asseverate our human and citizen right , for this reason, it's undoubtly everyone's matter on the earth. We're gonna have a peace party over there,not as violent as news keep making up,and will keep waiting for your coming and having fun with us.
More articles in English below
The Lo-Sheng Sanatourim News From GVO
A Report from Taiwan News
Losheng Sanatorium
No.794, Jhongjheng Rd., Sinjhuang City, Taipei County 242, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
※MRT1:Exit 6, Ximen Station => Take Bus 635 to Losheng Sanatorium Station at Rd Cheng Tu
※MRT2: off at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital station then take the Bus Blue 37 to Losheng Sanatorium Station
If you drive or ride a motorcycle: Either via Zhong Xing Bridge, Hua Jiang Bridge, then acess Zhong Zheng Road in Taipei County then go south, you will see the Sanatorium on your right approximately 2km past Fu Jen University
If you drive by Highway: Off at the WuGu Exit, access to Zhong Shan Road then go south, when you meet the junction of Zhong Zheng Road, turn right (south), the Sanatorium will be on your right hand side soon
10 則留言:
"Does she realize how important this decision is?"
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